31 32 33 34 35 36

Author: Statham, Anne

Title: The Worth Of Women's Work

Year: 1988

Price: 69.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Stebbins, Jane E

Title: Fifty years history of the temperance cause: intemperance the great national curse

Year: 1874

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Stebner, Eleanor J., 1960-

Title: The Women Of Hull House

Year: 1997

Price: 59.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Stephen, Lynn

Title: Women And Social Movements In Latin America

Year: 1997

Price: 37.50

Publisher: UTexasPress

Author: Stephenson, Patricia, 1954-

Title: World Bank Technical Paper. Vol. 404, Improving Women's Health

Year: 1998

Price: 22.00

Publisher: WorldBank

Author: Sterling, Joyce S

Title: Re-Casting the Brass Ring: Deconstructing & Reconstructing Workplace Opportunities for Women Lawyers

Year: n.d.

Format: PDF

Price: Free

Publisher: UDenver

Author: Sterrett, Alansa Rounds

Title: Memoir of Alansa Rounds Sterrett, c. 1859-1865 [Civil War]

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVa

Author: Stevens, Abel, 1815-97

Title: The women of Methodism


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Stevens, Joyce

Title: A History of International Women's Day in Words and Images [illus.]


Format: Html

Price: Free


Author: Stewart, Elinore Pruitt

Title: Letters of a Woman Homesteader


Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaETextL

Author: Stewart, Elinore Pruitt

Title: Letters of a Woman Homesteader

Year: 1847

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVaLib

Author: Stewart, Elinore Pruitt

Title: Letters of a Woman Homesteader [illus. N C Weyth; "housekeeper" in Burnt Fork, Wyoming]

Year: 1914 Bost.

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Stockel, H. Henrietta

Title: Women Of The Apache Nation

Year: 1993

Price: 15.95

Publisher: UNevedaPr

Author: Stoddard, Charles Warren

Title: In the Footprints of the Padres [politics; women; urbanization]

Year: 1902

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Stone, Thomas Treadwell, 1801-1895

Title: Address before the Salem Female Anti-Slavery Society, ann. meeting, Dec 7, 1851 ...

Year: 1852 Salem

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Cornell-MayC

Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Title: We & Our Neighbors, or, The Records of an Unfashionable Street

Year: 1875]

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: WrightAmFict

Author: Stowe, Harriet Beecher, 1811-1896

Title: Woman in sacred history: a series of sketches (illus.)

Year: 1873]

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Stowell, Daniel W.

Title: In Tender Consideration: Women, Families & the law in Abraham Lincoln's Illinois

Year: 2002

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UIllinoisPr

Author: Subbarao, K

Title: Women In Higher Education

Year: 1994

Price: 22.00

Publisher: WorldBank

Author: Summerhayes, Martha

Title: Vanished Arizona: Recollections of My Army Life

Year: 1939

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: LakesidePr

Author: Swisshelm, Jane Grey Cannon

Title: Crusader and Feminist: Letters of Jane Grey Swisshelm, 1858-1865 [antislavery advocate, newspaper editor, lect

Year: 1934

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Swisshelm, Jane Grey Cannon

Title: Half a Century [abolition; nurse in Civil War hospitals; suffrage]

Year: 1880

Format: Html Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Szarmach, Paul E

Title: Holy Men And Holy Women

Year: 1996

Price: 74.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Talbot, D. Amaury

Title: Woman's Mysteries of a Primitive People

Year: 1915

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: SacredTexts

Author: Talhami, Ghada Hashem

Title: The Mobilization Of Muslim Women In Egypt

Year: 1996

Price: 49.95

Publisher: UPrFlorida

Author: Tang, Joyce, 1962-

Title: Women And Minorities In American Professions

Year: 1996

Price: 59.50

Publisher: StUNewYorkPr

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. & Margaret Sanger

Title: Tarbell - Sanger Correspondence [birth control]

Year: 1921-35

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: Life at the Sorbonne [Women's ed., The Campus]

Year: 1895

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: The Business of Being a Woman

Year: 1921 NY

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: CornellU

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: The College Graduate in Her Community [galley proof; J Amer Assn Univ Women]

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Tarbell, Ida M. 1857-1944

Title: What a Factory can Teach a Housewife [Association Mon., v 10, #11]

Year: n.d.

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: AlleghenyColl

Author: Taylor, Carl S

Title: Girls, Gangs, Women And Drugs

Year: 1993

Price: 25.00

Publisher: MichStUPr

Author: Taylor, George Henry, MD, 1821-96

Title: Diseases of women: their causes, prevention, & radical cure

Year: 1871

Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Taylor, Helen

Title: The Claim of Englishwomen to the Suffrage Constitutionally Considered

Year: 1867

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: VictWomWr

Author: Terry, Patricia Ann, ed

Title: The Honeysuckle and the Hazel Tree: Medieval Stories of Men and Women

Year: 1995

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

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