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Author: Hughey, Ruth Willard

Title: Cultural Interest of Women in England from 1524 to 1640 Indicated in the Writing of the Women

Year: 1932

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: EmoryUniv

Author: Hull, Moses, 1835-1907

Title: That terrible question, or, A few thoughts on love and marriage

Year: 1868

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Hull, Suzanne W., 1921-

Title: Women According To Men

Year: 1996

Price: 62.00

Publisher: AltaMiraPr

Author: Hume-Griffith, M. E. (Mrs.)

Title: Behind the veil in Persia & Turkish Arabia: An account of an Englishwoman's eight years' residence amongst the

Year: 1909 Lond.

Format: Html Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Intnt Archive

Author: Hume-Griffith, M. E. (Mrs.)

Title: Behind the veil in Persia & Turkish Arabia; an account of an Englishwoman's eight years' residence amongst the

Year: 1909 Phila.

Format: PDF Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: UCLA

Author: Humm, Maggie

Title: Feminism And Film

Year: 1997

Price: 68.00

Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: Hunsecker, Catherine

Title: Civil War Reminiscences [effect of war on Franklin County PA community]

Year: 1924

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UVa

Author: Hunt, Karen

Title: Equivocal Feminists

Year: 1996

Price: 59.95

Publisher: CambridgeUP

Author: Imamura, Anne E., 1946-

Title: Re-imaging Japanese Women

Year: 1996

Price: 50.00

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Immen, Loraine

Title: Letters of Travel in California, in the Winter & Spring of 1896

Year: 1896?

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Institute of Medicine

Title: Information for Women about the Safety of Silicone Breast Implants

Year: 2000

Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NatAcadPr

Author: Institute of Medicine

Title: Recommendations for Research on the Health of Military Women: Bibliographies


Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NatAcadPr

Author: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Com

Title: An Assessment Of The NIH Women's Health Initiative

Year: 1993

Price: 25.00

Publisher: NatAcadPr

Author: Institute of Medicine (U.S.). Com

Title: Assessing Readiness In Military Women

Year: 1998

Price: 31.20

Publisher: NatAcadPr

Author: Institute of Medicine Board on Internati

Title: In Her Lifetime: Female Morbidity in Sub-Saharan Africa


Format: Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: NatAcadPr

Author: Intl. Conf. Women Workers to Promote Per

Title: Women, World War & Permanent Peace

Year: 1915 SFrans

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Isbester, Katherine

Title: Still Fighting: The Nicaraguan women's movement, 1977-2000

Year: 2001 Pittsb

Format: PDF Graphic

Price: Free

Publisher: UPittsburghPr

Author: Izard, Forrest

Title: Heroines of the Modern Stage [Sarah Bernhardt, Helena Modjeska, Ellen Terry, Gabrielle Rejane, Eleonora Duse,

Year: 1915 NY

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Jackson, Helen Hunt

Title: Selected Poetry of HELEN HUNT JACKSON (1830-1885)

Year: 1998

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UToronto

Author: Jackson, James Caleb (MD)

Title: The Outlook for Woman: A sermon

Year: 1888

Format: Graphic Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: Harvard

Author: Jackson, Stevi

Title: Contemporary Feminist Theories

Year: 1998

Price: 64.00

Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: Jackson, Stevi

Title: Feminism And Sexuality

Year: 1996

Price: 68.00

Publisher: EdinburghUPr

Author: Jacobson, Joan Mathews

Title: Midlife Women

Year: 1995

Price: 37.50

Publisher: JonesBartlett

Author: Jaini, Padmanabh S.

Title: Gender & Salvation: Jaina Debates on the Spiritual Liberation of Women

Year: 1991

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: James, Genie

Title: Winning In The Women's Health Care Marketplace

Year: 1999

Price: 44.95

Publisher: JosseyBassPub

Author: Jastrow, Joseph

Title: Community of ideas of men & women. [Women & Psychology] Psych. Rev.

Year: 1896

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Jastrow, Joseph.

Title: A study in mental statistics. [Women/Cognition] New Rev.

Year: 1891

Format: Html/Txt

Price: Free

Publisher: YorkU-Psy

Author: Jawad, H. A

Title: The Rights Of Women In Islam

Year: 1998

Price: 45.00

Publisher: MacMillanPress

Author: Jeffery Patricia & Roger

Title: Don't Marry Me to a Plowman!: Women's Everyday Lives in Rural North India

Year: 1996

Format: Questia

Price: subs

Publisher: Westview

Author: Jejeebhoy, Shireen J

Title: Women's Education, Autonomy, And Reproductive Behaviour

Year: 1995

Price: 75.00

Publisher: Clarendon

Author: Jessup, Henry Harris, 1832-1910

Title: The women of the Arabs


Format: Graphic Html

Price: Free

Publisher: MOA-UMich

Author: Jochens, Jenny, 1928-

Title: Old Norse Images Of Women

Year: 1996

Price: 39.95

Publisher: UPaPress

Author: John, Mary E.

Title: Discrepant Dislocations: Feminism, Theory, & Postcolonial Histories

Year: 1996

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

Author: Johnson, Helen Kendrick

Title: Woman & the Republic: A survey of the woman suffrage movement in the United States [illus.]

Year: 1913

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: Libr Congress

Author: Johnson, Miriam M.

Title: Strong Mothers, Weak Wives: The Search for Gender Equality

Year: 1988

Format: Html

Price: Free

Publisher: UCaPress

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